Fallopian tube infection, also known as salpingitis or pelvic inflammatory disease, can result from bacterial infection or sexually transmitted diseases. It is the leading cause of infertility in women and can cause permanent damage to the reproductive tract, as well as ectopic pregnancy. Symptoms include lower abdominal pain, nausea, and vaginal discharge. Treatment includes antibiotics or surgery.
Fallopian tube infection is a medical condition known as salpingitis or pelvic inflammatory disease. It could be the result of a bacterial infection or a sexually transmitted disease. The fallopian tubes are part of the female reproductive organ and serve as a vessel through which eggs are transferred from the ovaries to the uterus. A fallopian tube infection could be mild or severe. It can be treated, but could have some serious consequences if left untreated for a long time.
This type of infection is the leading cause of infertility in women. The bacterial infection usually starts in the vagina and spreads inward to the fallopian tubes. Several factors could be responsible for the onset of fallopian tube infection. Poor hygiene is a factor, as is unprotected sex. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as gonorrhea and chlamydia can also cause an infection.
Symptoms of fallopian tube infection vary depending on the type of bacteria and the severity of the infection. For example, both chlamydia and gonorrhea are bacterial diseases that can lead to this type of infection. Chlamydia and gonorrhea produce mild symptoms such as nausea, a burning sensation when urinating, lower abdominal pain, or vaginal discharge. These diseases can spread rapidly in the reproductive tract, including the fallopian tubes.
An untreated fallopian tube infection could cause permanent damage to the female reproductive tract. This condition can cause a large amount of scarring in the tight, delicate lining of the uterus wall. The large scar blocks the passage or opening in the fallopian tubes, making it difficult for eggs to pass from the ovaries to the uterus. When this happens, the woman will become infertile.
Another risk of fallopian tube infection is ectopic pregnancy. When the fallopian tubes are only slightly damaged, a fertilized egg may get stuck inside as it tries to make its way through the narrow opening. The egg will start developing inside a fallopian tube instead of the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy could cause the fallopian tube to rupture as the growing fetus causes it to expand beyond its capacity. This condition is very painful and could even lead to death from internal bleeding.
A doctor will conduct several types of tests to determine if a patient has a fallopian tube infection. One of the most common tests is to take a vaginal swab and examine it in the laboratory. The result of the test will determine the type of treatment. If the infection is mild, a course of antibiotics will clear up the bacterial infection. If the infection is severe, your doctor may need to perform surgery to fix the problem.