A fake affidavit is a legal document used as evidence of identity fraud. It lists counterfeit items and states the victim has not received any proceeds. Banks and credit agencies require it to correct inaccuracies. It is also used to prove unauthorized charges and replace stolen documents. Submitting false information is a felony and considered fraud.
A fake affidavit is a legal document that is filled out and signed by a consumer who has become a victim of some type of identity fraud. Both financial institutions and police departments use this statement as evidence that a crime has been committed, and when they go into civil or criminal court to seek prosecution, a false affidavit is required among the original documents filed. Within the document, there will be a detailed listing of each of the counterfeit items, including, but not limited to, credit card receipts, checks, and legal documents that have not been signed or authorized by the actual consumer. An entirely separate statement within the document will also state that the victim has not received any proceeds from the commission of the crime.
Banks and credit reporting agencies will rarely correct any inaccuracies reported by the consumer until a false affidavit is signed and returned, so this legal document is important when trying to recover stolen finances or credit. After reporting the crime to a lender over the phone or in person, many banks will generate a personalized statement that needs to be filled out by the victim as quickly as possible. A copy of this form is then taken to a police department to help locate a suspect, and officers involved in the case will use the perjured affidavit to receive court orders to seize any surveillance video or other crime scene information. verified. Once a suspect has been identified and apprehended, the perjured affidavit is usually one of the first pieces of evidence presented during a trial.
Often a false affidavit will benefit consumers in other ways as well. For example, if a homeowner was looking to refinance their home after being the victim of identity fraud, the statement can be used by lenders as proof that the unauthorized charges weren’t actually the consumer’s fault . The same type of procedure will take place if a stolen driver’s licence, social security card, birth certificate or other personal document is replaced. Any government agency or medical association responsible for issuing these types of forms of identification will require proof of an injustice taking place, and a perjured affidavit is normally the standard method.
Submitting false information on a false affidavit is a felony in most jurisdictions. There are thousands of cases each year where consumers inaccurately report that a crime has occurred when it really hasn’t, usually to clear large amounts of debt or to void a contractual agreement. In these types of cases, signing a false affidavit under false pretenses is a criminal act that is considered fraud and could result in a civil fine or jail time. If this type of matter were to be brought before a courtroom, the perjured affidavit would be among the most important pieces of evidence against the consumer.