“First come, first served” is a literal idiom used to describe open distribution methods. It can refer to food or abstract distributions and is often used as an adjective. Its origin is unknown, but it is commonly used in English to talk about order, with similar phrases like “first in, last out.”
The English phrase “first come, first served” is a pretty literal idiom. It’s basically an abbreviation of a larger sentence that uses the same words literally. For example, to say this in a different way, someone might say that “come first shall be served first”.
Replacing the longer sentence above with the phrase “first come, first served,” often includes turning the shorter idiom into an adjective. For example, someone might say of a dinner, “first come, first served.” Here the idiomatic phrase describes the event and plays the role of an adjective in speech.
The origin of this phrase is not commonly known. Word experts assume that this phrase has naturally been used over time as a shorthand way to talk about distribution methods. One of the best ways to understand the phrase is to compare it to other distribution methods. A dinner that is not “first come, first served” is where reservations apply. For example, a dinner or food service where individuals receive dishes marked with their orders, or are seated and served in a particular order, is not first come, first served.
This phrase, which is used to refer to open distribution, can be about food or more abstract distributions. For example, a manager at a utility company might tell a team of workers that assignments are first come, first served. Here the idea is that whoever formally requests the assignments first gets them and that the assignments are not divided according to seniority, dues or any other type of fixed schedule.
Phrases similar to “first come, first served” are also used in idiomatic English to talk about order. For example, the four-word phrase “first in, last out” refers to any situation where people, items, or items are marked or marked for sequence. In these situations, the first to enter is the last to exit. This phrase is used extensively in engineering in a broad spectrum of scenarios where it is important for objects to follow a physical protocol.