Many people are afraid of flying but are ashamed to talk about it. Information about flight safety and physics can help, as can hypnotherapy or talking to a pilot. Online resources and books are also available. Overcoming the fear of flying requires a desire to change.
People fear many things: snakes, spiders, closed places. However, fear of flying is also common, even though many people are ashamed to talk about it. How can you overcome the fear of flying?
A good method is information. People are often scared of flying because they don’t realize how safe it is, or how many flights land and take off each day, all without incident. Often, when people learn how rare plane crashes are, that alone will help them overcome their fear of flying. They can also be helped by learning what actually keeps an airplane in the air and things like turbulence. Some people develop their fear of flying after having children, in their concern for their children’s safety. Helping them understand how safe it is to fly can help allay their fears. Some people are greatly helped by talking to a pilot about the physics of flight and how planes are maintained to maintain their good safety records.
Hypnosis has also proven helpful for many people who have a fear of flying. An experienced hypnotherapy counselor may be able to help a person by associating a calm state of mind with a trigger word or phrase while under hypnosis. They may be able to help a person achieve that state of calm by telling them they will be relaxed as soon as the flight attendants start the safety briefing or start checking the overhead bins before takeoff. This will help the person get through the flight much more comfortably and hypnosis has been successful for many people.
Some people are afraid of flying because they are claustrophobic, and an airplane cabin is a relatively small space. Helping these people overcome their fears may require a psychiatrist who may also recommend hypnotherapy or a mild tranquilizer to take before the flight.
There are also online sources to help people overcome their fear of flying. They can include information, explanations, videos, and other resources to help the fearful flyer. Some people tell their friends their flight information and ask their friend to track their flight in real time online. This makes many people feel better, just knowing that someone is watching their flight. Books have also been written on the subject and many people may find them useful.
The main key to overcoming the fear of flying is the desire to do it. Without it, a person may not seek readily available help. A person who sincerely wants to change a behavior has already won half the battle.