Fibular nerve damage can occur in various ways, such as through injury or compression, and can lead to loss of feeling in the lower leg and foot motion. Treatment options include surgery, physical therapy, and medication.
Fibular nerve damage is damage to the common fibular nerve or one of its branches. This nerve is found in the leg, starting at the fourth and fifth lumbar spine and continuing along the lateral side of the knee. It passes through the fibula and wraps around the calf bone, branching into the superficial and deep peroneal nerves under the peroneus longus muscle of the calf. Damage to any of these three nerves can occur along any point along their length. Injury, such as a back injury or knee trauma, to any of these three nerves can lead to loss of feeling in the lower leg and loss of foot motion.
The common fibular nerve is the main nerve that supplies sensation and movement to the calf muscles. Damage to the common fibular nerve can occur where the nerve begins in the spine, but more commonly damage to this nerve occurs from a knee injury. Long-term compression of the nerve can also cause damage. Neuropathy, which is degenerative neurological damage, can be seen in people who are bedridden for long periods, some types of dancers, and athletes who experience repeated overextension of the knee. People who sit for long periods with their legs crossed may also suffer from damage to the common peroneal nerve, particularly where the nerve crosses the head of the fibula.
Superficial fibular nerve damage can be diagnosed based on a person’s history and symptoms. Damage to this fibular nerve is most commonly seen in people who have repeated ankle sprains. In some cases, even repeated and sustained actions over many years, such as squatting or kneeling, can cause harm. Doctors believe that damage to this nerve occurs because the nerve is repeatedly stretched too much.
Repetitive or particularly traumatic injury to the side of the knee is the most common cause of damage to the deep fibular nerve. This branch of the common peroneal nerve is also more susceptible to nerve damage from inflammatory conditions, autoimmune diseases, and lower motor neuron disease. Rheumatoid arthritis can lead to a damaged deep fibular nerve, but not often. Diabetes can also be a possible cause.
Regardless of which nerve suffers from fibular nerve damage, foot motion is affected. Damage to the fibular nerves can cause foot drop, which is when the toe points down and cannot be lifted easily. The back of the foot may lose sensation and feel numb. Commonly, pain is felt along the calf muscles and knee area.
Treatment for fibular nerve damage can vary depending on the cause of the damage. For nerve damage caused by entrapment, decompression surgery may help. Physical therapy and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as naproxen, are also helpful. In some cases, doctors may decide to inject a combination of steroids and lidocaine into the fibula area to reduce symptoms.