Preparing for a firefighter exam involves academic study and physical training. The written exam tests knowledge and mental capacity, while the physical exam tests strength and stamina. Training should be gradual and include aerobic and strength training. Some exams also include a video response section.
Preparing for a firefighter exam involves both academic study and physical training. A typical fire department uses a written exam to select candidates with the necessary knowledge and mental capacity to function as firefighters. A physical exam ensures that these candidates also have the strength and stamina needed to undertake this demanding job. Prospective firefighters generally must train at a steady pace on both phases of the firefighter exam. Some departments also employ a video test program designed to verify a candidate’s ability to function as a firefighter and make sound social and technical decisions.
The specific material covered in the written portion of a firefighter exam varies from region to region. Information about the content of a specific test is usually made publicly available, and sample questions are often included. If important facts or information must be memorized, they are also usually listed in an official publication. Everyone has different individual learning styles, but most people can benefit from active learning. Writing it down, reading it aloud, or even explaining it to others can serve to fix it in memory more effectively than silent reading alone.
Pace is important when studying for the written portion of a firefighter exam. A human brain can absorb and retain only a limited amount of information at a time. Studying gradually over several weeks or months is more effective than studying for an afternoon test. Short breaks in between study sessions can also be helpful in allowing the brain to process and retain more information.
A long-term plan is also essential for success in the physical section of a firefighter exam. Most departments advertise the specific types of fitness and conditioning required to pass the exam. Typically, the candidate is expected to demonstrate short-term physical strength, including the ability to carry a simulated victim, and long-term endurance. Candidates are often asked to climb stairs or run with enough weight to mimic a set of firefighting equipment.
Training for the physical portion of a firefighter exam should begin gradually. The body responds best to slow, steady increases in the duration and intensity of physical activity. Both aerobic activity, such as running, and strength training or weight training should be included in a training program, and both should focus on gradual improvement. Rest days are also essential, as the body needs some time to recover and build new muscle between training sessions.
The video response section that appears on some firefighter exams requires the candidate to assume the role of a firefighter in simulated situations and make good social and professional decisions. This part of the test is often used to simulate conversations with community members. As such, candidates should focus on clearly communicating and appropriately responding to potentially disturbed men and women in these simulations.