Disney’s first animated feature film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, launched the company’s animation empire in 1937. However, some argue that the first Disney princess was Persephone, the main character in the 1934 short film The Goddess of Spring. The film served as a test run for Snow White and featured the animators’ first human-like character. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was a groundbreaking success, earning $8 million in its first year and becoming one of the highest-grossing American films of all time.
Mickey Mouse made his Disney debut in 1928, first in Steamboat Willie and then in other Silly Symphonies animated shorts. The company’s next big break came in 1937 with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the first full-length animated feature film, which launched the Disney animation empire. But some have argued that Snow White wasn’t the first Disney princess. That title should perhaps belong to Persephone, the main character in the 1934 Silly Symphonies short The Goddess of Spring, which served as a test run for Snow White. Based on the Greek goddess, Persephone was the Disney animators’ first human-like character, seen flitting around a world of dwarf-like figures, adorable animals and fairies in the short film. And like Snow White, she used to hold on to her skirt and swirl her way through her waist.
From Mortimer to a Princess:
Disney created Mickey – originally named Mortimer – while he was on a train bound for California. The mouse was later renamed at the urging of Walt’s wife Lillian.
The staff working on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs grew to 600 to handle the multi-step process of hand-drawn animation. More than 200,000 designs have been used.
The groundbreaking film reached a large audience in early 1938. Theaters were packed for months, and the film ended up earning $8 million dollars in its first year. Adjusted for inflation, it is still one of the highest-grossing American films of all time.