Food poisoning or stomach flu? How to differentiate?

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Food poisoning and the “stomach flu” have similar symptoms and treatments, but food poisoning is caused by contaminated food while the stomach flu is caused by a viral infection. If symptoms persist or become extreme, medical help should be sought. Hydration and rest are important for both conditions.

The distinction between food poisoning and the so-called “stomach flu” is actually a bit difficult to pin down, mainly because the term “stomach flu” isn’t really an accurate description. In both cases, the symptoms are very similar, as are the treatments, as the condition often runs its course without medical intervention. Medical help should be sought if symptoms persist for more than 24 hours or if they become extreme.

Food poisoning, also known as foodborne illness, occurs when food becomes contaminated with something harmful, such as a bacteria, virus, or toxin. It can be the result of poor hygiene or improper food handling, and symptoms can emerge between two and 24 hours after eating, depending on the agent causing the condition. Headache, fever and fatigue often emerge first, followed by nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps and diarrhea.

The key sign that the gastrointestinal discomfort may have been caused by food poisoning is the presence of other people who ate the same thing and also got sick. If everyone gets sick after a home-cooked family meal, for example, then the meal should be suspect. Food poisoning can be a little more difficult to narrow down when people eat at a restaurant, as symptoms can take some time to emerge. For example, if people get sick two hours after dinner at a restaurant, dinner may not be the cause; it may have been the fruit everyone had for lunch.

The “stomach flu” is not a flu at all, as flu is caused by the influenza virus, which attacks the respiratory system. More correctly, the stomach flu should be known as gastroenteritis. It is caused by a viral infection of the intestines that causes irritation and symptoms very similar to the above: nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, fatigue and chills. Gastroenteritis can be caused by eating contaminated food or by exposure to a virus due to poor hygiene. Food is the most common vector for gastroenteritis, so one might think of the stomach flu as a special subset of food poisoning.

In both cases, it is best for the patient to stay hydrated and rest. Symptoms usually subside within 24 hours, although the patient may feel a little weak for several days afterward. Eating bland foods can also help, as can drinking products specifically designed for people with diarrhea, such as Pedialyte and other fortified drinks that offer nutrition in addition to hydration.

If the symptoms persist or the patient begins to vomit or pass blood or develop an altered level of consciousness, it is time to consult a doctor. Your doctor can narrow down the cause and prescribe medication to address the virus, bacteria, parasites, or toxins causing the condition. It may be helpful to know what the patient has eaten in the last 48 hours, as some foods are more prone to contamination than others; if the patient had chicken, for example, campylobacter and salmonella would be prime suspects.

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