Foreclosure attorneys handle foreclosure proceedings for banks and individuals. They may work for financial institutions or independently, defending clients who contest foreclosure or negotiate with creditors. Qualifications include law school and passing the bar, and pay rates vary depending on experience and location. It is important to find a reputable attorney to avoid unscrupulous practitioners.
A foreclosure attorney is a lawyer who specializes in handling foreclosure proceedings. Foreclosure attorneys may work for banks and other financial institutions processing foreclosures as needed. They can also work on the other side of the process, defending clients who are contesting a foreclosure or trying to negotiate. Pay rates for foreclosure attorneys vary depending on where they practice and how many years of experience they have.
Like other legal professionals, a foreclosure attorney must attend law school and pass the bar in order to practice. In the final years of law school, the attorney takes elective courses that provide a foundation in areas of law that pertain to foreclosure. Once qualified to practice, an attorney may apply to law firms or the legal departments of financial institutions, or choose to practice independently.
Foreclosure attorneys who work for financial institutions assist in processing foreclosures. They establish property foreclosure protocol to ensure that foreclosures are legally enforced. This includes drafting letters sent to clients and preparing legal records relating to foreclosure. If clients choose to contest the foreclosure, the foreclosure attorney will be involved, even if the case goes to court.
Lawyers who work for individuals assist people who are threatened with foreclosure or who are in foreclosure. The foreclosure attorney confirms that the financial institution is complying with the law at all stages of the process and can assist clients in fighting foreclosure. For example, people may have been fraudulently misled about the nature of the loan; in that case, the foreclosure attorney can help prepare a case and prevent foreclosure while the lawsuit is pending.
In such cases, the foreclosure attorney acts as an advocate for the clients. The attorney will handle any negotiations or discussions with the creditor, including responding to paperwork and filing claims against the creditor. This could include helping people negotiate a loan modification or other grant to help them stay in their homes.
When people are threatened with foreclosure or think they may need to negotiate a short sale, it is wise to hire a foreclosure attorney as soon as possible. Finding a foreclosure attorney can be challenging as some unscrupulous practitioners prey on people who are in economically vulnerable positions. Resources such as attorney reviews, bar associations, and professional foreclosure attorney organizations can help people identify fully qualified and reputable attorneys to work with.