GERD is a digestive condition where stomach contents flow back into the esophagus, causing symptoms such as heartburn, dysphagia, food regurgitation, nausea, hiccups, coughing, and chest pain. Prompt treatment is important to prevent complications such as esophagitis.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD for short, is a health condition of the digestive system. GERD causes stomach contents, such as acids and small food particles, to flow back out of the stomach and back up into the esophagus. This condition is generally not difficult to diagnose due to the prominence of GERD symptoms that many individuals with this condition endure. Some of the more common symptoms of GERD include heartburn, dysphagia and food regurgitation. A feeling of food trapping, nausea, hiccups, coughing and pain in the chest are also common symptoms of this condition.
Heartburn is generally one of the main symptoms of GERD. Individuals with heartburn typically experience a burning sensation in the chest. Sometimes the sensation may radiate to other areas such as below the breastbone or in the throat. Often, certain activities can increase heartburn sensations. These activities may include eating during a heartburn attack, lying down, or bending over.
Another common symptom of GERD is dysphagia. Dysphagia is a condition in which a person has trouble swallowing. Many different conditions can cause dysphagia, although one of the most common causes is GERD. Some people with this symptom may also experience pain while trying to swallow different foods and sometimes drinks.
Food regurgitation is also commonly listed as one of the most frequent symptoms of GERD. When a person experiences this symptom, he or she may actually feel acidic stomach acids or tiny food particles rising up the throat. Often, with regurgitation of food, a person may complain that they have a sour taste in their mouth from the harsh acids they wash out.
Often, people with GERD will feel like they have food stuck in their throat. Some people often identify it as a feeling of a lump in the throat. This feeling can be one of the most annoying symptoms of GERD.
Symptoms of GERD can also include nausea, hiccups, and coughing. These symptoms are commonly most persistent soon after eating. Some individuals with GERD complain of having a sore throat and often hoarseness as well. One of the more concerning symptoms of GERD can be chest pain. This is a symptom of this condition that will generally lead most people to seek medical attention, as a self-diagnosis for chest pain should never be attempted.
It is important to see a doctor when you have GERD-like symptoms. An accurate diagnosis can allow an individual to get adequate treatment for her symptoms. Prompt treatment can also prevent possible complications of GERD such as esophagitis, which is inflammation of the esophagus. This complication can lead to serious health problems such as erosion of the esophagus.