Geriatric specialists have medical training to deal with the health and well-being of the elderly, and can work in various areas such as nursing, home care, and physical therapy. They review patient history and specialize in areas from preventive medicine to geriatric surgery. They can work in a clinical or medical setting or in home care, assisting with basic tasks and providing advanced levels of care. They are trained in how to move and work with potentially delicate patients.
A specialist in geriatrics has special training in dealing with the health and well-being of the elderly. This usually requires some form of medical training, with a concentration on the specific illnesses and afflictions of an aging individual. Different areas may require the assistance of a geriatrics specialist, including nursing, home care, other medical professionals, and social care. Some of these individuals are also known as geriatricians.
Most geriatric specialists work in the medical field and are educated to work with seniors. Many people have experience with another type of medicine and continue to specialize in geriatric medicine. With this specialized education, a geriatrics specialist becomes familiar with the common ailments that affect the elderly as they age and also becomes well-versed in preventive measures and the ability an individual must have to follow an exercise or diet regimen. This knowledge allows these professionals to recommend specialized care to an elderly person.
Medical professionals who work with seniors have a lot more information to work with than pediatric or general practitioners. A geriatric specialist is trained to review the entire patient history and may specialize in areas from preventive medicine to geriatric surgery. Some medical facilities employ a geriatrics specialist in the anesthesiology department to address the special needs of preparing an elderly individual for surgery. They can also work in areas such as orthopedics and gynecology, as seniors have special needs that develop into all areas of medicine and health care.
A geriatrics specialist can work in a clinical or medical setting, or work in home care, and there is a great deal of variety in the day-to-day tasks of these professionals. Home care professionals allow seniors to remain in their own homes with some degree of independence while still being cared for by someone who can offer professional support. A geriatric specialist who does home care work assists with basic tasks that become difficult as an individual ages and may include preparing meals and cleaning the house. More advanced levels of care are also provided and may include medication tracking and assistance to individuals with limited mobility and equipment, such as dialysis machines or breathing apparatus.
Some geriatric specialists work in physical therapy. Going through a rehabilitation process with an elderly person is very different from working with a young patient. A specialist is able to take into account an older patient’s physical limitations and understand potential problems and likely outcomes before they happen. He is also well-versed in handling equipment more typically used by geriatric patients, such as walkers and wheelchairs. A geriatric specialist is trained in how to move and work with potentially delicate patients.