There is no scientific evidence linking a gluten-free diet with improvement in autism symptoms, but some parents report benefits. The theory is that peptides found in wheat, barley, and rye don’t break down in the gastrointestinal tracts of autistic children and stimulate the release of opiates. However, opponents of the theory believe that any behavioral changes seen in children on the diet likely come from other therapies that enhance mental and behavioral development.
No scientific evidence links a gluten-free diet with improvement in autism symptoms, but some parents report strong connections between gluten and autism in their children. The topic of gluten and autism sparks controversy and debate in the medical community, with some doctors recommending a gluten-free diet to help autistic children. Researchers studying gluten and autism report no significant improvements in children’s diets.
The link between gluten and autism is based on the theory of proteins found in wheat, barley and rye. Proponents of the diet say these proteins, called peptides, don’t break down in the gastrointestinal tracts of autistic children and stimulate the release of opiates. Opioids work in a similar way to morphine by blocking pain signals, which could lead to repetitive behaviors and difficulty concentrating. These chemical actions affect the central nervous system and brain like a narcotic.
One specialist in the UK has dubbed the condition autistic enterocolitis, but it’s also called leaky gut syndrome. News of the possible connection between gluten and autism quickly spread around the world, giving parents hope that a gluten-free diet could reduce symptoms common in autistic children. However, there is no scientific proof of leaky gut syndrome or autistic enterocolitis.
Some parents of autistic children report benefits after removing gluten-containing foods from their diet. They say their children got longer attention spans and were more inclined to make eye contact with others. Others report fewer behavioral problems, such as tantrums, repetitive movements, and bouts of aggression. Some parents found that their children were able to master simple dietary tasks, such as getting dressed and using the bathroom.
This treatment usually includes removing casein from the diet, a protein found in dairy products that some people cannot fully digest. A gluten- and casein-free diet is typically used by parents hoping to improve autism symptoms. They usually substitute other foods to ensure their children get adequate vitamin D, calcium, and protein.
The diet is considered difficult to maintain because autistic children may be picky and prefer certain foods, especially those containing gluten and casein. In fact, some parents report that their children seem to crave these foods and experience withdrawal symptoms when placed on a gluten-free diet. Some doctors suggest sticking to the diet for a year to produce results.
Opponents of the gluten and autism theory believe that any behavioral changes seen in children on the diet likely come from other therapies that enhance mental and behavioral development, especially over a one-year period. Some doctors say the diet simply treats the gastrointestinal symptoms commonly associated with autism but has little effect on behavior. They agree that the diet has become popular, but they say it’s not scientifically sound.