Graduate certificate programs teach expertise to those who already have a four-year degree. They differ from other certificate programs and can take a year or more to complete. They can be used to gain knowledge before obtaining a master’s degree or to enhance qualifications. It is important to investigate all programs thoroughly before enrolling.
A graduate certificate program is one designed to teach some level of expertise in a variety of fields to people who have already earned a four-year degree. These programs should be considered distinct from other certificate programs that do not have any graduation requirements. While there are many fine certificate programs of this kind offered in vocational or professional schools and various community colleges, graduate certificate is different from these because of its past school requirements.
There are many different types of graduate certificate programs. Some are intended to teach material that can be used to gain certification in a specific field. For example, earning a teaching certificate after earning an undergraduate degree is considered a certificate program. These programs can take a year or more to complete. Others will only require a semester or two quarters of study, or may take a year to complete when studied on a part-time basis.
Sometimes the undergraduate certificate program is a way for people to determine their course in a graduate program. Some schools may have a public health degree at the master’s level, for example, but then have multiple certificate programs that teach some aspect of public health, so students can decide on the focus. Rather than directly enrolling in master’s studies, students first complete a certificate, usually made up of three to four classes of intensive study.
Another way in which these programs can be used is to gain knowledge before or before obtaining a master’s degree in certain specialized areas. A school counselor may want to obtain a certificate in mental health counseling. This can be done to enhance qualifications or it can be completed in preparation for changing fields.
Given the wide variety of certificate programs, many of which can be obtained online, people should thoroughly investigate all programs of interest. First, not all postgraduate certificate programs have transferable units should a person want to pursue masters or doctoral work, and this should be checked. Asking the school to be helpful in this regard, and people should also check with accrediting agencies that the school is accredited.
While an undergraduate certificate program may seem attractive, it also makes sense to determine how a specific course improves knowledge or job prospects. Is work in which an interested person possible without a certificate, for example?
Occasionally, colleges offer a graduate certificate program without being clear about the potential benefits or drawbacks of studying. The cost can be high and people can leave a program with an education they don’t need. The benefits of this program must be weighed against real-world needs, and the costs, particularly significant borrowing, must be weighed against any employment prospects and salary potential. That said, many of these programs offer additional employment opportunities or are the only means by which people can get work in certain fields.