Grapes are a healthy food, high in vitamins and minerals, and can benefit eye, heart, and brain health. Grape juice provides the same benefits as wine, but without the harmful effects of alcohol. However, grapes should not be considered a healing superfood.
Grapes are a remarkably healthy food, whether one eats green, red, or purple versions of this popular fruit. The health benefits of grapes are present in both fresh grapes and grape juice, and for those who have used claims about the benefits of drinking wine as an excuse to increase wine intake, several studies have suggested that grape juice confers the same benefits that wine does. Whether in fruit or juice form, grapes can be a great addition to your diet, although they shouldn’t be considered a healing superfood.
Many of the health benefits of grapes center around the high vitamin and mineral content of grapes. This fruit is naturally high in vitamins A, C, and B6, along with folate, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, copper, and iron, all of which are necessary for human health, especially in active people. The high vitamin and mineral content makes grapes an excellent addition to a healthy diet, especially if people follow the rule of eating five servings of different colored fruits or vegetables a day, ensuring a diverse intake of vitamins and minerals.
Grapes also seem to confer several specific benefits. One of the clearly established health benefits of grapes is their contribution to eye health. People who eat grapes frequently seem to have a reduced risk of macular degeneration and other eye conditions. Grapes also reduce bad cholesterol levels in the body, promote lower blood pressure, and benefit heart health. Grapes and grape juice are endorsed by many organizations that advocate for cardiovascular health.
Grapes also appear to contain compounds that have antimicrobial properties, potentially reducing the risk of viral and bacterial infection in frequent consumers. Compounds known as flavonoids appear to reduce cancer risk, while a substance called resveratrol benefits the brain and nervous system. Resveratrol can also slow down the aging process, although grapes certainly won’t make anyone immortal.
The health benefits of grapes are a great excuse to eat more grapes and drink more grape juice, but people should be careful about the types of juice they buy. The best grape juices should not include added sugars, since grapes are naturally sweet, and should ideally be fresh, with minimal stabilizers. People who want to get the benefits of grapes by drinking wine should be aware that alcohol can have harmful effects on the body, especially when consumed in large amounts.