Hardwood vs. Softwood: What’s the difference?

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The difference between hardwood and softwood is not based on density, but on how the tree reproduces. Hardwoods are flowering plants, while softwoods are gymnosperms. Softwoods grow faster and are cheaper, while hardwoods are denser and used in high-end furniture and buildings.

Contrary to popular belief, the difference between hardwood and softwood has little to do with the density of the wood itself. Instead, these designations refer to how the tree reproduces itself. A hardwood is a flowering plant (or flowering plant) that reproduces by dropping a hard seed, such as a fruit seed or an acorn. A softwood is a gymnosperm, which spreads its seeds more freely, typically producing cones that allow the wind to distribute the bare seeds far and wide. Overall, hardwoods tend to be denser than softwoods, but there are exceptions – such as light balsa wood, which is classified as a hardwood.

Which Wood Works Best?:

Generally, angiosperm trees shed their leaves during the cold season. Gymnosperm trees keep their leaves — often, these are needles — all year round.
Softwoods tend to grow faster and cost less. Hardwoods are more likely to be found in high-end furniture and used in buildings that need to last. But about 80% of all lumber comes from softwoods.
Examples of softwoods include cedar, Douglas fir, juniper, pine, redwood, spruce, and yew. Hardwoods include hickory, oak, maple and walnut.

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