In 1977, the town of Kinney, Minnesota, seceded from the United States to request “foreign aid” for their water system. The ploy attracted national attention and eventually led to the state of Minnesota funding the replacement of the system. Foreign aid makes up only about 50 percent of the average federal budget, with the US spending about $50 billion in 2017. Middle Eastern countries and those with critical health needs are the largest recipients.
In 1977, the small town of Kinney in the northeast corner of Minnesota was suffering from growing pains. Its population had grown to 325 and its water system needed to be replaced. The Kinney City Council could not find the $186,000 USD needed to rebuild the system, and its requests to state and federal agencies fell on deaf ears. So the city’s leaders hatched a brilliant, if unconventional, plan: to secede from the United States to request “foreign aid.” Kinney residents put themselves on the map when they informed US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance of their plans to separate. The so-called “Republic of Kinney” has attracted national and international attention, including a bit on Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show. The ploy eventually prompted the state of Minnesota to shell out funds to replace the water system. “People laughed about it,” said a longtime resident, “but we got what we wanted.”
Helping those in need:
The citizens of Kinney enthusiastically approved the secession. They produced 1,600 new passports that allow visitors access to the city limits (along with a free piece of cake and a free cup of coffee), created a naval force (with a single canoe), and basically toyed with the idea .
Although some individuals criticize the amount of money the United States spends on foreign aid, the truth is that foreign aid makes up only about 50 percent of the average federal budget.
In 2017, the United States spent about $50 billion on foreign aid. Hundreds of countries have received help, but the largest recipients have been Middle Eastern countries that have helped the United States fight terrorism and countries with critical health needs.