Heat of solution?

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Heat of solution is the enthalpy change that occurs when a solute dissolves in a solvent. The process involves breaking chemical interactions, requiring energy consumption, and forming new interactions, releasing energy. The total heat of solution is the sum of each enthalpy change and can be endothermic or exothermic. Temperature changes can also be used to determine the heat of the solution.

Heat of solution, also known as the enthalpy change of solution, is the enthalpy change that occurs when a particular solute is dissolved in a solvent to form a solution. Enthalpy is a term used in thermodynamics to describe the energy in a system. It is not possible to measure the total enthalpy of a system directly, so the enthalpy change is used for measurements such as heat of solution rather than the total enthalpy of the system. There are several processes that occur when a solute is dissolved in a solution and each is capable of changing the enthalpy of the solution. In many cases, a variety of chemical bonds break and new bonds are formed, which results in an enthalpy change.

There are three primary aspects of dissolving a solute in a solvent that contribute to the heat of the solution. First, when solute is added, the chemical interactions linking the solute molecules break down, which requires energy consumption. Subsequently, the chemical attractions connecting the solvent molecules also break down as the solute molecules enter the system, again requiring energy consumption. Finally, after these attractions break down, new interactions form between the solvent and the solute molecules, resulting in the release of energy.

The first two aspects of dissolution require energy inputs and are referred to as endothermic processes. The third, by which attractions are formed between solvent and solute molecules, is referred to as an exothermic process, as it releases energy into the system. To determine the total heat of solution, one can simply take the sum of each enthalpy change. In some cases, the first two parts of dissolution require more energy input than the formation of new released attractions, resulting in a process that is overall endothermic. In others, the final energy release is greater than the energy required to break the solute-solute and solvent-solvent attractions, so the process is exothermic overall.

It is also possible to measure the heat of the solution based on the temperature changes in a solution. A predominantly exothermic process will release energy into the system and, therefore, raise the temperature of the solution. A predominantly endothermic process, on the other hand, will consume energy and, therefore, reduce the temperature of the reaction. If the various properties of the solute and solvent are known in advance, the change in temperature can be used to determine the heat of the solution with reasonable accuracy.

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