Turkmenistan and Rwanda have the highest voter turnout in presidential elections, with 98.7% and 97.5% respectively. Australia and Malta have high voter turnout for parliamentary elections due to compulsory voting. The average worldwide voter turnout is 67%, while the US recorded 70% in 2008. Only about 10 of the two dozen countries with compulsory voting laws enforce them. The US has a lower percentage of people who register to vote, resulting in a lower percentage of voter turnout. Worldwide, voter turnout and registration fell by about 10% from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s.
Countries that have the highest percentage of registered voters casting their ballots in presidential elections include Turkmenistan, which had a 98.7% voter turnout in 2007; and Rwanda, which had a 97.5% voter turnout in 2010. Australia, which has compulsory voting, regularly has a 93 to 95% voter turnout for parliamentary elections, and national parliamentary elections in Malta they regularly have a voter turnout of 90 to 95 percent. Worldwide, the average turnout of registered voters in presidential elections is about 67 percent. Recorded voter turnout for the 2008 US presidential election was about 70 percent.
Other data on voter turnout:
While about two dozen countries around the world have compulsory voting laws, only about 10 enforce them, including Australia, Uruguay, Singapore, Ecuador, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Among people registered to vote in the United States, the majority vote in presidential elections. In 2004, about 86 percent of registered voters cast their votes; in 2000, about 81 percent did; and in 1992, 89 percent did. What makes the United States different from other countries with high voter turnout is the percentage of people who register to vote in the first place. If voter turnout is calculated by the percentage of the population of voting age (VAP) voting, then the United States had only about 57% turnout in the 2008 election. Although the number of registered voters increased by 34 percent from 2004 to 2008, the number of people who voted increased by only 9.5 percent.
Worldwide, voter turnout and registration fell by about 10 percent from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s.