How do Japanese schools maintain tidy classrooms?

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Japanese schools teach students to clean up after themselves, starting in first grade. This tradition, called o-soji, promotes respect for surroundings. Some US schools, like Armadillo Technical Institute, have adopted this practice.

Students can learn a lot in school if they apply themselves. And American schools can learn a lot from school practices in Japan if they start thinking outside the box. For example, in addition to bringing some of the best students in the world to life, Japanese educators teach students how to clean up after themselves. Beginning in the first grade, elementary and high school students are often asked to help keep their schools tidy, from scrubbing and organizing to sweeping and dusting. The thinking is that if students are expected to take care of their surroundings, they will have a greater respect for their surroundings.

Cleaning up after yourself:

This Japanese educational tradition is called o-soji. Students learn that it’s best not to make a mess if you’re the one cleaning up.
The practice of o-soji has spread to other Asian countries, such as Taiwan and South Korea. Some schools in the United States have also experimented with the idea.
At Armadillo Technical Institute, a charter school in Phoenix, Oregon, students are required to sweep, mop, take out the trash, and even clean the bathrooms for 30 minutes after lunch.

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