Over 20,000 children under 5 visit the ER annually due to shopping cart accidents, with 75% of injuries to the head and neck. Shopping carts have been widely used in the US since 1940 and cost $100-$150 each. They are also known for being germ-laden.
Every year more than 20,000 children under 5 go to the emergency room for a shopping cart accident. About 75% of injuries are to the child’s head and neck. Most accidents result in the child falling out of the cart or the cart tipping over.
Learn more about shopping carts:
Shopping carts have been around en masse in the United States since 1940 and were widely adopted just 3 years after their invention in 1937.
The carts cost between $100 and $150 each, and many stores have implemented anti-theft measures.
Shopping carts have been ranked the third worst public place to touch due to their germ-laden handles.