Most US presidents who sought re-election after their first term won, with only 13 losing. Only three presidents from World War II to 2008 lost their respective elections. Seven declined the opportunity to run again, and eight died in office.
As of 2012, 13 U.S. presidents who sought re-election after their first full or partial term in office had lost their bid for a second chance at the presidency. One of those 13 was Grover Cleveland, who was not re-elected after his first term as president but was re-elected four years later. Franklin Pierce, Chester Arthur, John Tyler and Andrew Johnson did not receive their parties’ nominations after their first terms. From World War II to the 2008 election, only three US presidents – Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and George HW Bush – who received their parties’ nominations after their first full or partial terms lost their respective elections. In other words, the incumbents usually win.
Read more about the re-election of US presidents:
Seven presidents have declined the opportunity to run for a second full term, as of 2012.
As of 2012, eight US presidents had died while in office. Four of them – Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John Kennedy – were assassinated.
Franklin D. Roosevelt served 4,422 days in office, the most time in office of any US president. William Henry Harrison had the shortest term, 31 days, which ended in his death from complications of pneumonia.
As of 2012, Ford was the only U.S. president never to be elected to the office of president or vice president. Ford was named vice president when Spiro Agnew resigned, and became president when Richard Nixon resigned.