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How much spam is there?


80% of emails are spam, with over 200 billion per day. The most effective types are for pornography, pharmaceuticals, and Rolex watches. US businesses and individuals send the most spam emails.

According to a study conducted by Yale University, it is estimated that 80% of emails are spam. This translates into more than 200 billion spam emails per day, about 80% of which are for pharmaceuticals.

Learn more about spam:

The three most effective types of spam are for pornography, pharmaceuticals, and Rolex watches.
Employees spend an average of 16 seconds deleting 20 spam messages a day.
Contrary to popular belief, Nigeria is not a major source of spam in the world. US businesses and individuals send the most spam emails, with over 6 million spam emails sent per day, followed by Brazil, with around 3 million, and India, with around 2 millions.
