To become a boxing announcer, attend events, meet industry professionals, and develop presentation skills. There are two types of announcers: ring announcers and commentators. Build a foundation in sports broadcasting and develop a unique style. Be professional and build relationships with industry professionals.
Boxing advertisers have a unique role in the sport. They participate in competitive public events and generate excitement in opening and closing brawls, adding their own style to proceedings. There is no single track to becoming a boxing announcer, which leaves possibilities open to create new avenues for success. To become one, you must love the sport and be as knowledgeable as possible. Developing your ad presentation and skill, you should attend as many events as possible, meet as many people in the industry as possible, and familiarize your name, face, and skills.
At many events, there are actually two types of boxing announcers: the ring announcer and ring announcers, although the names can be used interchangeably. The ring announcer sets the mood for the crowd, introducing fighters, their stats, and generally building momentum as fighters enter the ring and are instructed by the referee. That person also announces the winner at the end of the match.
To become a boxing announcer for the ring, you can confidently improve your appearance and announcement style. You can add signature vocal inflections for dramatic effect. The vocal delivery and personality add vital energy to the sometimes gritty, sometimes dazzling show. Learn the vocal techniques employed by broadcasters, announcers and voice actors to consolidate your professional skills.
Ring announcers, on the other hand, may also include interviewers or sports commentators who call the fight to help interpret it for the television or radio audience. They must be knowledgeable about the sport and well versed in its lore: for example, the history of the sport, the fighters and their strategies. They play fill-in lulls during the action and are ready at any time to provide accurate descriptions of a very quick turn of events. If you want to become a ringside boxing announcer, first build a foundation of conventional sports broadcasting skills and get hired by a sponsoring broadcast company.
To become a boxing announcer, you can join the sport covering local sports broadcasts. Then you can try to move up the food chain to the national transmission companies. Advertisers may be hired by a particular broadcaster who partners with the wrestling association or company that hosts and promotes the events.
As a sport, boxing pulls different companies into the mix; sponsoring company executives can decide who will become a boxing announcer. The best advice may be the saying: be so good you can’t ignore it. Research famous ring announcers for what they do in common and what they do differently. To become a boxing announcer you must use your own style, look, act and be a part of this sport and spectacle. This extends beyond the ring to everyone in the industry you can come in contact with.
Attend local and regional events and attend smaller events for free if possible so people can see and get to know you. Semi-professional and professional opportunities may present themselves once you’ve proven yourself. Talk to other ring announcers to find out how they got into the business. Also meet the trainers and fighters.
Present yourself professionally at all times and give good reasons why you are the opening and closing face and voice of the event. These are some of the people you want to respect and recognize. You want them to know you as a dependable, dynamic individual, capable of attracting attention worthy of the months of training that boxers face for every match in this grueling and triumphant sport of champions.