Food safety inspectors ensure that food is prepared and stored according to national codes. They need a university degree, certification, and on-the-job training. Strong communication skills, attention to detail, and knowledge of food safety science are important. Regular training is necessary to stay up-to-date.
Food safety inspectors conduct guidance from restaurants, grocery stores and processing plants to ensure food is stored and prepared in accordance with national codes. They watch for violations and inform employees and owners of how they can comply. Education and training requirements to become a food safety inspector vary between countries and regions, but most professionals need to earn university degrees, pass certification exams and complete formal on-the-job training programs. With the proper credentials, an individual can get a job as a food safety inspector with a government agency or private consulting firm.
If you want to become a food safety inspector, you can prepare for the job by developing strong communication and leadership skills. Inspectors need to be able to clearly explain violations and policies to restaurant staff to ensure they understand the issues and the importance of correcting them. Many professionals offer scheduled and impromptu training seminars to teach workers how to correct and prevent problems. A food safety inspector also needs to be attentive to detail, as even the subtlest code violations can result in contaminated food and sick customers.
There are several university degree programs that will help you prepare for this job. Some schools offer a bachelor’s degree specifically in food safety, but you may also benefit from a biology, agriculture, or health program. As a graduate student, take the opportunity to learn about the science and history behind food safety. Also useful are classes in environmental science, organic chemistry, and disease pathology. You will only need a bachelor’s degree to work in a food safety position in most situations, although you can opt for a master’s degree to improve your credentials and chances of finding employment.
After you graduate, look at local and online training courses to earn voluntary certification. It is important to choose a program accredited by a regional or national board of directors, such as the Food Safety Inspection Service in the United States. To obtain a government position, it may be necessary to pass a certification exam administered directly by the appropriate government agency.
Once you’re hired as a food safety inspector, you can expect several weeks of attending specialized classes and observing experienced workers to learn about specific policies and procedures. Over time, you can earn the right to independently travel to different food establishments within a defined geographic area. It is common for inspectors to attend regular refresher courses and seminars throughout their careers to learn about the latest food safety research and new guidelines.