Becoming a French tutor is possible at any age, but fluency and comfort in the language are necessary. High school and college students can offer private or school tutoring, while those with a French degree or teaching credential can become a tutor or teacher. Native French speakers may find it easier, but persistent study is also effective. Jobs are in demand in areas where French is spoken frequently but not known by all.
There are different methods to become a French tutor and people can get this job at any age as long as they are more fluent in French than their students. It is definitely possible for a high school student with a certain degree of knowledge to teach students who are attending elementary school French classes, but more often people acquire French skills by the college level, where they can work privately or in a university. Some tutors hold degrees in French and possibly hold a teaching credential. Alternatively, the person who grew up with French as a primary language may feel comfortable teaching others at different ages or stages of education.
As many know, teaching a foreign language requires a certain degree of fluency or comfort in that language. It is usually not enough to have rudimentary skills; rather, the person who wants to become a French tutor must be comfortable speaking and writing the language, as well as encountering mistakes common to students. Most people start studying French earlier, perhaps in eighth or ninth grade, and the lucky students come from a French-speaking home or have been enrolled in French classes long before. Earlier is better to establish fluency.
Some people in high school find the language easy to learn and quickly become very good at speaking and writing it. These students can become a high school French teacher, tutoring peers or participating in school tutoring programs. Private lessons are not attractive, as they can be profitable.
In college, students may work in school tutoring centers or offer private tutoring, the latter often receiving higher salaries. College students can also contact middle and high schools to offer tutoring services. The only caveat among college students is that many of them may be furthering their French studies, so professors will need more mastery of the subject.
Many people who major in French also earn a teaching credential. With that, they can become a French tutor or teacher, and some people earn a master’s degree, which allows them to teach and teach at community colleges. It doesn’t hurt to spend time with native French speakers in foreign travel programs so the tutor/teacher can work on mastering the proper accent and increasing fluency.
A high school or higher French teacher can also become a French tutor as a sideline or people with this level may find that they most enjoy tutoring as a career. Again, there may be shortcuts for being a native French speaker, but many people find that they succeed in this career with persistent study through high school and college. Jobs are particularly in demand in areas where French is a second or third language that is spoken quite frequently but not known by all members of society.