The LEED accreditation program certifies professionals’ knowledge of green building and the LEED rating system. To become accredited, applicants must have experience in green building or sustainability and pass an exam covering the five key areas of sustainability. If they fail, they have two more chances to retake the exam or can appeal to the USGBC.
The Earth Environment Economics and Development (LEED) accreditation program allows designers, builders and other professionals the opportunity to prove they have current knowledge of green building and the LEED rating system. To become a LEED Accredited Professional (AP), you must meet certain requirements, such as having experience working on green projects or sustainability. You must also pass the appropriate tests.
When you decide to become a LEED Accredited Professional, you must determine which level of accreditation you would like to pursue. The LEED credentials that were available as of November 2010 were LEED Green Associate, LEED AP Homes, LEED AP Interior Design + Building, LEED AP Building Design + Building, LEED AP Building Design + Building, LEED AP Operations + LEED AP Neighborhood Development and Maintenance. All designations require applicants to have experience in green building or sustainability. This experience can be gained on LEED-accredited projects or through professional development, as well as through a course of accredited educational programs.
To become a LEED accredited professional, you also need to take an exam. For example, to obtain certain LEED AP status, you must take the LEED for Homes Green Rater exam. This exam requires you to attend training in advance, including a series of self-guided online modules and a two-day classroom workshop. To become a LEED accredited professional at the LEED Green Associate level, for example, only one part of this exam is required, compared to two for the LEED AP designation.
The test consists of 80 questions that cover nearly every aspect of the LEED rating system, including the five key areas of green building and sustainability: indoor air quality, materials and resources, energy and atmosphere, sustainable locations, and water efficiency. . You must score 170 or higher on the required section of this exam to become a LEED accredited professional. If you pass, you will be notified of your success and can start using your LEED credentials.
If you fail, LEED allows you to register for the exams two more times while your application to become a LEED accredited professional is still active. You can also submit an appeal to the United States Green Building Council (USGBC), the organization that oversees the entire LEED certification process. This appeals process, however, is only worthwhile if you believe that certain questions are technically inaccurate.