Acupuncture is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine that involves inserting needles into the body to stimulate energy flow and relieve stress. Becoming a licensed acupuncturist involves completing a training program, understanding TCM concepts, and passing exams. Ongoing training is necessary to refine treatment, and pay varies by location and services offered.
Acupuncture is an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a medical tradition that spans thousands of years in the East and has recently been acquired in many Western countries. During an acupuncture treatment, fine needles are inserted into the patient along major meridians and power points to stimulate the body, release blocked energy and relieve tension and stress. Many people look for a licensed acupuncturist in their area to perform acupuncture treatments. The steps involved in becoming a licensed acupuncturist are complex but worthwhile; expect to spend a minimum of two years in training before starting to treat patients as a licensed acupuncturist.
Acupuncture is rarely offered as a standalone certification. Typically, it is incorporated into a TCM program or a holistic health program offered by a school that focuses on complementary alternative medicine. Taking TCM courses while you study to become a licensed acupuncturist is highly beneficial because you will understand the concepts behind acupuncture and also be able to offer herbal treatments, massages and other aspects of TCM in conjunction with acupuncture.
The first step in becoming a licensed acupuncturist is to determine the licensing requirements for your area, as they vary widely. Some regions require participation in a three-year program combined with an exam, while others have hourly training requirements. Most regions also require training in handling sharp objects, handling bloodborne pathogens, and medical ethics. After determining licensing requirements, investigate schools. If you can, attend a certificate by the Commission on Accreditation of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM), which regularly inspects schools. ACAOM-certified schools can offer federal financial aid to students, along with higher program quality, and are well worth the investment.
Most MTC schools expect students to have a bachelor’s degree, although it could be in any discipline. At a minimum, you must have 90 course units from an accredited institution and be prepared to take basic courses in anatomy, physiology, biology, psychology, and ethics before beginning your TCM training. At the end of your program, you can take the exams offered by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, which will allow you to become a licensed acupuncturist in your field.
Once you meet the regional requirements involved in becoming a licensed acupuncturist, you can begin a practice. Some acupuncturists work alone, while others benefit from an established practice with a strong client base: either way, you should plan for ongoing training so that you can constantly improve and refine your treatment. As a licensed acupuncturist, your pay will vary based on the area in which you practice and the services offered, with urban areas tending to offer a higher rate of pay.