An esthetician provides skin care services and advice, and must complete a state-licensed training program and pass exams. They can work in salons, spas, or medical facilities, and should research schools and specialties before training. Continuing education is required to stay up-to-date.
An esthetician is a skin care specialist and professional who provides spa treatment services such as facials, waxing, skin revitalization, massages and exfoliation. Beauticians also advise clients on how to properly care for their skin. They can recommend products and should always be on the lookout for skin issues. An esthetician can suggest a dermatologist or other doctor for the patient to visit if necessary. Becoming a licensed esthetician requires completing a training program in the field of skin care and passing a state board exam.
A licensed esthetician must follow the requirements of the state in which he plans to practice. They vary, ranging from 260 to 600 hours of training, with most states at the upper end. After completing a state-licensed training program, a student must pass both practical and written State Board tests before becoming a licensed esthetician.
Before beginning esthetician training, the student should use the Internet to find out more about what estheticians do. Most specialize in one area, such as a facialist or massage therapist. Licensed estheticians may work in a salon, day spa, or medical facility. They can also own their own salon.
Also, the prospective esthetician should research schools according to their individual interests and goals. Some programs can be completed partially online, but fieldwork is required to fulfill the hands-on training requirement to become a licensed esthetician. Programs vary in both cost and classes offered; therefore, students should choose a school that is affordable for them and that offers the specific discipline they want to pursue.
Some beauty schools focus primarily on skin care, while others lean towards cosmetology and makeup services. Before starting aesthetic training, decide which area is most attractive and focus on that. Observing as a customer in a beauty salon or shadowing a beautician, a student can narrow their focus.
Some colleges have beauty programs that help students find jobs upon completion. Additionally, there are internship programs to give students a chance to see what it’s really like to work in a spa or salon. Salon managers can also be helpful resources for finding openings in the field. Before choosing a school, those seeking a beauty license can also talk to the salon staff or managers for advice on the best programs. Once a student becomes a licensed esthetician, he or she is required to take continuing education classes to keep up with new trends in the field.
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