Concurrent engineering is a method of multitasking that streamlines the production of multiple items by using a team of professionals who focus on all aspects of production before manufacturing a product. The objective is to introduce a product with little or no defects to the market in a relatively short period of time. This process has become increasingly popular and has replaced the waterfall model, resulting in faster production times. Collaboration and teamwork are key principles in the successful implementation of concurrent engineering.
To get into concurrent engineering, you need to have an advanced knowledge of the manufacturing and production industry. This concept was created to improve production efficiency by using a method of multitasking while focusing on the end result. The concurrent engineering process is designed to streamline the production of multiple items, which is implemented by a team of professionals who focus on all aspects of production before starting to manufacture a product. A team of designers, builders, fabricators, and other professionals draw up a plan before starting to manufacture a design to ensure that defects and other problems are caught before mass production begins.
The main objective of concurrent engineering is to introduce a product with little or no defects to the market in a relatively short period of time. For a team to achieve this, members must have diverse educational backgrounds as well as different areas of expertise. A well-developed team is the key to production quality, quantity and the timeframe in which products are manufactured. This team is often referred to as the integrated product development team and is responsible for the lifecycle of a product, which includes the period of time from when the merchandise is a concept to the finished product.
Concurrent engineering has become increasingly popular and has replaced a process called the waterfall model. This previous production model included a consecutive set of steps or phases including analysis, design, implementation, testing, installation and maintenance. The waterfall model had its own pros and cons, and the main disadvantage when compared to competing methods is that the production rate is significantly slower. When phases are concurrent, production times are often cut in half.
Several elements of concurrent engineering include a multidisciplinary team, systematic engineering process, a controlled environment, information distribution, and support facilities. This entire process is based on collaboration, and teamwork is a key principle in the successful implementation of concurrent engineering. The benefit of a product manufactured under this concept is that the end result is a well-manufactured and affordable product. Simultaneous engineering software is available to assist designers and other professionals in mapping the production lifecycle. Most of these programs come equipped with design configuration and optimization design tools.