Irregular menstrual cycles can have various causes, some benign and others requiring treatment. Treatment may involve self-care measures or medical treatments to address hormonal irregularities. Irregular cycles are defined as a consistent pattern of abnormally timed periods. Treatment depends on the cause, and hormone supplementation can address hormonal imbalances. It is important to seek medical attention if irregular periods are causing concern.
There are many potential causes of an irregular menstrual cycle. Some of these are completely benign and others indicate the need for treatment. Treatment may involve self-care measures such as reducing stress, eating healthily, and modulating exercise. Medical treatments could address the hormonal irregularities that could be causing an irregular menstrual cycle.
Irregular menstrual cycle is defined as compared to what is considered normal. Normal cycles for the first two years after the first menstrual period are defined as 21-45 days, and after that, a normal cycle is 21-35 days. It is also common for all women to have the occasional missed period or early or late menstrual period, and an irregular menstrual cycle is considered a consistent pattern of abnormally timed periods. A single missed period in all sexually active women should not be ignored because it could be due to pregnancy.
In general, there is no treatment for irregular menstrual periods for girls who have just menstruated because periods can fluctuate. During the first couple of years, periods tend to regularize and get to a more regular time each month. They are usually no more than 35 days apart. Periods become abnormal again during perimenopause, which can occur as early as the late 30s, and last until menopause.
It is difficult to determine treatments for an irregular menstrual cycle due to the large number of causative factors. Women who regularly have irregular periods may want to take their concerns to an ob-gyn first. If there’s no evidence of a medical cause, such as hormone imbalance, a suspicion of an eating disorder, or possible sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), preliminary steps to treating the condition might be advice to reduce stress or change your eating habits.
In some populations, such as in the early and late teens, doctors may look for certain problems. Conditions like anorexia or bulimia can create an ongoing irregular menstrual cycle. Sexually transmitted diseases can also cause this problem. Competitive athletes in their teens may experience complete cessation of periods (amenorrhea) or irregularity. Treatment depends on the cause. The competitive athlete does not require treatment, but may reduce your activity if you want your periods to resume, but these other problems require more medical attention.
Sometimes hormonal imbalances play a role in irregular menstrual cycles. These imbalances could be caused by too many or too few hormones such as estrogen or too much testosterone, which women usually produce in very small amounts. Additional hormones that may regulate the production of female and male hormones include thyroid hormones. Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism can affect your monthly cycles.
Proper hormone supplementation can address these imbalances and create more regular cycles. Hormone treatment may also be prescribed to regulate the perfectly normal cycle deviations that begin to occur in perimenopause. Hormone treatment is usually used to increase fertility, as birth control, or to reduce menopausal symptoms. Treatment usually isn’t necessary for irregular periods unless they’re causing other areas of concern.