CPR certification is easy to obtain and can be a job requirement. It’s important to perform CPR correctly to avoid injury and legal action. Classes are available through service organizations and local healthcare providers. Certification includes lectures, demonstrations, and practice. Renewal is necessary to stay up to date.
Certification in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is very easy to obtain and it is well worth getting CPR certified. In some jobs, it’s actually a job requirement, so certification will make you more attractive to an employer. It’s also just a useful skill as you can save a life or improve a patient’s prognosis by acting quickly and performing CPR in an emergency situation.
Getting CPR certified is important because it ensures you know how to perform CPR correctly. It is possible to seriously injure someone with poorly performed CPR, and no one wants to do it, even by accident. CPR certification can also come in handy if you end up being taken to court, and it can even protect you from legal action in some cases. Any good class will also teach you basic safety and first aid techniques, and some will also cover simple legal matters like good Samaritan laws that might be useful for you to know.
Many service organizations, such as the Red Cross, offer classes for people who want to become CPR certified, and you can also obtain certification through a local hospital or clinic. Call local health care providers and charities to see if they offer CPR certification and when the next class is scheduled. Expect to pay a small fee for a class that typically lasts several hours, and possibly longer if you want to become certified in basic first aid. First aid certification can be really helpful, so it’s worth taking it up if offered.
In a CPR certification class, you’ll learn CPR through a mix of lectures, video demonstrations, and practice with a manikin or dummy. You will be taught how to assess and stabilize a casualty, and you will also learn about basic safety techniques to protect yourself and your patient from harm. You can also get CPR certified for infant CPR and other resuscitation techniques, usually for an additional fee.
Once you are CPR certified, you will receive a small card to carry in your wallet. Some classes also offer masks and complementary safety kits for people to take with them. You will need to periodically renew your CPR certification with follow-up classes. This ensures that you are up to date on advances in CPR and changes to the CPR protocol, as well as ensuring the best possible training to help someone in need.