Planning a wine tasting party in advance is key to a successful event. Consider hiring a wine expert or sommelier, selecting a theme for the wines, providing drinking equipment and tasting notes, and pairing food with the wines. It’s important to have a large group of legal drinking age and encourage note-taking to remember favorite wines.
A wine tasting party can be a great way to try new flavors of wine, develop a palate, and have a fun evening with friends. Planning a wine tasting party well in advance ensures that it runs smoothly and that everyone has a great time. To host a wine tasting party, you’ll need a guide, an assortment of wines and drinking equipment, people to consume the wines, things to take tasting notes with, and possibly food to pair with the wines.
Driving is a crucial part of a wine tasting party. If you already know someone who has experience and wants to facilitate, ask him or her to lead the group. If you don’t know anyone who is knowledgeable about wine, consider hiring a sommelier or wine expert. If everyone in the group agrees to split the cost, an expert might not be terribly expensive. The experts are also extremely informative and passionate about wine, which will make for a more enjoyable evening.
Wine selection is an important consideration when having a tasting party, and it’s a good idea to come up with a theme. For example, you might want to sample an assortment of Rieslings from around the world to compare different growing techniques and production methods. Experimenting with pairings can also be fun, or you could focus on biodynamic and organic wines. You can also choose a fun theme, such as “Que Syrah Shiraz,” to engage theme attendees. It can also be fun to ask guests to bring a bottle of each of their favorite red or white wines, to expose people to whole new flavors.
The party planner can ask each guest to bring a bottle, or he or she can acquire all the wines at once to ensure proper selection. Bringing the wine expert with you helps you choose the best wines for tasting. Drinking equipment is also very important. An assortment of wine glasses should be provided along with a spitting bucket. While spitting may seem rather rude, in a tasting involving anything more than five wines, guests will quickly be rendered incapable of thoughtful consideration of each taste unless they spit.
Persons consuming the wines at a wine tasting party should be of legal drinking age for the country where the party is taking place. It helps to bring together a large group, to include a wide range of wine tasting opinions and experiences. A large group can also help split the cost of the wine, which can become formidable at large tastings.
Tasting notes are a crucial part of a wine tasting party. Make sure you have enough paper and pens to hand out to guests so they can make notes of their own to remember their experiences. You can also print tasting evaluation cards that guests can use to talk about the wines. Tasting notes might seem silly until you taste 10 wines and remember which one was your favorite, so encourage guests to take notes. It can also be fun to compare notes during the tasting and talk about the experiences guests are having with every sip.
Finally, food pairing with wines is a great idea. Make sure guests eat before the tasting, because you don’t want to dull the flavors of the wines with food as you taste them, but you also don’t want to sample the wines on an empty stomach. During the tasting itself, you want to stick with neutral palate cleansers like crackers for munching between tastings. After the tasting, however, an assortment of cheeses, chocolates and other finger foods can be created. A late dinner of foods that pair well with wines might also be served.