To avoid dangerous fat in the abdomen, combine a healthy diet and exercise plan. Cardiovascular exercise and a healthy diet are the best ways to lose weight, while abdominal exercises will help build muscle. Start slowly with low-resistance aerobics and consider a colon cleanse if necessary. Consult a doctor and dietitian before starting a program.
The stomach is one of the first places on the human body to develop unsightly fat in both men and women. Unfortunately, it’s also considered the most dangerous place to store excess body fat because most of the major organ systems are located in the abdomen. For this reason, it is important to keep a flab stomach at bay by combining a healthy diet and exercise plan.
The first step to getting rid of flab is to start eating a healthier diet of complex carbohydrates, lean protein, vegetables, fruits, and minimal fat and junk food. Getting the recommended eight or more glasses of water each day is also important for getting rid of bloating because dehydration can lead to fluid retention and bloating. Reducing the total amount of calories is the best way to ensure healthy and adequate weight loss in the stomach and throughout the body.
Contrary to popular belief, doing abdominal exercises will not cause you to lose weight faster in that area. If you have a flab stomach, the first step is to do cardiovascular exercise in combination with a healthier diet. This will result in weight loss throughout the body, including the abdomen. Exercises like crunches and crunches will help build muscle in your stomach, which will become more apparent and defined as you lose weight around your waist.
When starting a cardio workout to combat flab, you should start slowly if you’re not used to working out. Walking or low-resistance aerobics are good options for beginners. More advanced workouts may include jogging, running, biking, swimming, or jumping rope. Start from the easiest options and work your way up to the most advanced. If at any time you feel dizzy or short of breath to speak in short one-word sentences, slow down and take a break.
Occasionally, a flaccid stomach can be caused in part by a buildup of fecal matter in the colon. It is rarely the cause of excess weight, but if you are experiencing other constipation symptoms, you may want to do a colon cleanse. Only use natural ingredients that help gently flush out the intestines, and be sure to drink plenty of water to help. it could be a good idea
Be sure to check with your doctor before beginning any diet and exercise program. If you are very out of shape, you may choose to have general health and endurance tests done to make sure you are ready to start exercising. You can also speak with a registered dietitian to determine how much weight you need to lose and the best daily caloric and calorie intake goals for your situation.