How to make sweetbreads?

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Sweetbreads, made from veal or lamb thymus gland or pancreas, can be prepared by boiling, frying, or grilling. They must be soaked, blanched, and pressed before cooking and served with white or brown sauce. Sweetbreads are a delicacy and were popular during the Depression.

There are several ways to prepare sweetbreads, including boiling, frying, or grilling. It is important to prepare them properly for cooking to make them palatable. They need to be soaked, blanched, and then pressed before being seasoned and cooked. These meats are usually served with a white or brown sauce and can be served as both appetizers and main courses.

Sweetbreads are made using the thymus gland or pancreas of veal or lamb. Pigs are also used in some countries, although their sweetbreads tend to be tougher and very strong in flavour. Lamb is said to produce a larger and rounder organ, while those of veal are longer and thinner. Young animals have more desirable pale pink offal, while those of older animals are dark red. Their organs are also tougher and less tasty.

The organs must be immersed for a maximum of 24 hours in water with the addition of wine or vinegar. This helps soften the membrane, making it easier to remove, and also helps blood drain. It also gives them a milder, more pleasant taste than those that haven’t been soaked, and makes the meat tender.

After soaking, the sweetbreads are blanched. This is done by placing them in a pan of cold water which you bring to a slow boil. They are boiled for only a minute or two which removes any remaining impurities. It also firms them up, making them easier to cut into chunks. The sweetbreads should be removed from the water after blanching and placed in a cold water bath.

The sweetbreads should also be pressed. To do this, place a heavy pot or pan filled with water on top. They should be refrigerated this way for a few hours. Pressing helps to further firm the meat before cooking.

Sweetbreads are often served with a veloute sauce, which is a roux-based white sauce. Brown sauces like truffle and Madeira also complement them well. Considered haute cuisine, they are served as a delicacy in many parts of the world and prized for their versatility and delicate taste.

Organ meats such as sweetbreads became popular in the United States during the Depression. Food was scarce and nothing was ever wasted, including all kinds of offal, which were previously considered unpalatable and were often thrown away. Today adventurous eaters can find them in many large supermarkets or specialty shops. Freshness should be ensured before purchase, as all organ meats are extremely perishable. They should be cooked ASAP because they will keep in the refrigerator for no more than a day or two.

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