How to pick a new pope?

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The process of electing a new pope involves 120 cardinals, who must choose a candidate with a two-thirds plus a majority vote. The election takes place in a secret conclave, and the chosen candidate becomes pope. The process includes nine days of mourning for the old pope, meetings to organize the election, and the burning of ballots to signify the election’s success or failure.

The process of electing a new pope for the Catholic Church has undergone many changes over the centuries. While some traditions have remained consistent, each pope can issue guidelines for selecting the next pope.

According to the guidance of Pope John Paul II, 120 cardinals must participate in the selection. The basic requirements are that no pope older than 80 can be elected, and two-thirds plus a majority must choose the new pope. If this majority cannot be reached, the vote must take place over several days with two votes in the morning and in the evening. If four days of voting do not lead to a 67% majority, then the candidate with the majority of votes becomes pope.

There are several processes, which must be completed before a new pope is elected. First, when the old pope dies, his chamberlain, called the chamberlain, pronounces the death of the pope. An autopsy is not performed as it is considered desecration. At this point the camerlengo officially holds the papal office until the election of the next pope.

Nine official days of mourning for the death of the old pope. At the end of the mourning, the camerlengo organizes and convenes the votes. The time period also gives the College of Cardinals time to meet in Rome for the election. However, the election cannot take place earlier than 15 days after the pope’s death, and no later than 20 days after.

During days of mourning, all cardinals entitled to vote must attend official meetings called General Congregations. They help order the election and organize the pope’s funeral. There are also usually a few favorites, called favorites, who are being discussed as possible candidates to lead the church.

While it is technically possible for any Catholic male to be elected a new pope, the selection tends to be limited to those priests who are cardinals. In the past, however, people who weren’t even priests were elected and immediately received episcopal ordination. This is an unlikely scenario today.

The official vote for pope takes place in a process called a conclave, from the Latin cum clavis. This means “with key” and essentially means that the ballot is secret. The cardinals are locked in a room, especially the Sistine Chapel. Voting takes place by secret ballot. Should the electoral process last more than a day, the cardinals are accommodated at the Santa Marta house. However, they are “kidnapped” like a jury, and have no contact with the outside world.
Non-voting cardinals and assistant cardinals can also be part of the conclave. However, they were sworn to secrecy both before and after the election of the new pope. Each vote goes through a complex counting process. All ballots are burned and if the vote has elected a new pope, this fire causes white smoke to billow over the Vatican, signifying that the world has a new pope. If the vote is unsuccessful, water or a chemical is added to the burning ballots to cause gray smoke to appear. This means a vote without an election.

Many Catholics are waiting in St. Peter’s Square for signs of smoke. Many believe it is symbolic of the rebirth of the church and the end of grief for the old pope when the white smoke appears. After the election, the new pope will accept the office, and then dozens of formal ceremonies will take place, some quite private, some very public.

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