How to prep for rafting?

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To have a successful rafting trip, choose a reputable adventure travel provider or rent equipment if experienced. Beginners should start with a Class III river and be in good physical condition. Bring appropriate clothing and extra clothes to change into after the trip.

Planning ahead can make your next rafting adventure a smashing success. Perhaps the most important decision you can make regarding your rafting trip is who to go with. If it’s your first time rafting, you may opt to go with an adventure travel provider who can arrange all the details and provide an expert guide to help you once you’re in the river. Trips offered by outfitters range from simple half-day river trips to multi-day rafting trips, including camping and hiking. If, on the other hand, you are an experienced rafter, there are many companies that will rent you the necessary equipment so you can enjoy the river alone or with your choice of friends.

For inexperienced joists, companies recommend starting with a class III voyage. This provides plenty of excitement without too much risk or exhaustion. Senior citizens or families with small children may want to try a Class II river or choose a rowboat trip, on which not all passengers need to row.

To prepare for a rafting trip, start by making sure you meet all of the minimum requirements. While being a good swimmer is of course an advantage, many non-swimmers also go rafting, since wearing a Coast Guard-approved life jacket is mandatory. More important than knowing how to swim is being in good physical condition. Rafting can be challenging and you should be prepared to paddle alongside your mates.

Bringing appropriate clothing is another must when rafting. Company websites usually offer suggestions on what to bring depending on the time of year and the weather. As a general rule, however, avoid wearing cotton, which retains water, and sandals, which can slip off easily. Choose synthetic materials for summer travel and consider renting a wetsuit for spring and fall rafting.

Hats and sunglasses are a must in summer, as is sunscreen. It’s also important to bring an extra set of clothes to change into after the trip. Even in the summer, a synthetic or woolen sweater is recommended, as the water can be cold enough to lower your body temperature by several degrees. Following these simple tips can help make your next rafting trip an experience you’ll remember for years to come.

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