There are various ways to expedite a passport, depending on the traveler’s country of origin and when they need to travel. In the US, options include regional processing centers, mail-in applications, and emergency passport services. Fees and required documentation vary.
There are several ways to expedite a passport, depending on where an applicant lives and when they need to travel. The exact process may vary depending on the traveler’s country of origin and it is best to check with the specific country’s embassy or consulate. United States citizens can use Regional Passport Processing Centers, Emergency Passport Services, and the United States Post Office to expedite their passport application. An expedited fee is required to process your application, in addition to the usual processing fees and postage.
In the United States, 20 regional passport processing centers accept appointments from people who need a passport expedited. The applicant must fill out a formal application and provide a passport photo, as well as processing and expediting fees. Visiting a regional passport processing center is a viable option if the traveler needs their passport within two weeks.
Applicants who do not reside near one of the regional processing centers can still mail their passport. The expedite box must be checked on the application so that the agency can prioritize it. Renewal and new passport applications can be expedited by mail to a designated processing address. Different processing fees apply depending on the type of application.
Mailed applications and forms processed through the United States Postal Service are a viable option for travelers who need to expedite a passport within three weeks. New applications typically require proof of citizenship, a passport photo, and a completed passport application. The United States Post Office usually has application forms available at its various locations. Passport photos can be obtained from various photography vendors.
Passport renewal applications, including express applications, can be processed by mail if the traveler meets certain requirements. Existing passport must be less than 15 years old. It cannot be damaged in any way and must have been issued when the traveler was at least 16 years of age. Also, the applicant’s legal name must be the same as when the original passport was issued.
If an applicant is able to meet the requirements for renewal by mail, they can obtain a form by mail from the US Department of State. You may need to complete an application in person at a US postal facility or processing center if the requirements for your shipment cannot be met. Emergency Passport Services may accept applications if the traveler needs their passport within 24-48 hours.
Same-day passport services charge extra for overnight delivery and expedited processing. Travelers who do not live near a regional passport processing center can benefit from a same-day passport service. Regular processing and expedite fees apply and applicants must still submit all required documentation.