HPV and cervical cancer link?

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Cervical cancer is caused by human papilloma virus (HPV), with routine testing and vaccines available to detect and protect against the virus. Over 100 strains of HPV exist, with 15 considered high-risk and two (HPV16 and HPV18) causing over 70% of cervical cancer cases. Testing for high-risk strains of HPV and cervical cancer begins with a pap smear, followed by a DNA test and colposcopy if necessary. Vaccines such as Gardasil and Cervarix are available to immunize against HPV.

Cervical cancer is diagnosed in over 500,000 women worldwide each year and kills 250,000. A link between human papilloma virus and cervical cancer was first identified in the 1980s. HPV is the cause of more than 99% of all cases of cervical cancer. Routine testing can detect the presence of high-risk strains of HPV, and a vaccine is available to protect against the virus.

Human papilloma virus (HPV) is a viral infection that is spread between people through skin-to-skin contact. It causes the formation of papillomas or warts. Over 100 strains of the virus have been identified. Most strains of the virus have no symptoms and the body clears the infection on its own within two years. If the infection goes away on its own, there is no connection between the papilloma virus and cervical cancer.

About 30 strains of HPV are sexually transmitted infections and can be transmitted to a partner through both genital contact and oral sex. HPV6 and HPV11 are the most common strains. These cause genital warts, which are considered “low risk”. These strains have no connection between human papilloma virus and cervical cancer.

There are 15 strains of sexually transmitted HPV that are considered “high risk” because they produce proteins associated with abnormal cell function and growth. These cellular mutations can become cancerous. Two of these 15 strains, HPV16 and HPV18, account for more than 70% of cervical cancer cases.

Testing for high-risk strains of human papilloma virus and cervical cancer begins with a routine pap smear. If the Pap test returns abnormal results, a doctor will order a DNA test of the cervical tissue to determine if it is HPV and, if so, what strain it is. Depending on the result of the DNA test, your doctor will recommend regular pap smears to monitor the change in your cells or will perform a colposcopy. In colposcopy, an iodine solution is applied to the cervical tissue, which allows the doctor to look for abnormal cells. A biopsy is then taken to test for cervical cancer.

Due to the common link between human papilloma virus and cervical cancer, researchers have developed several vaccines to immunize patients against HPV. One of them, Gardasil®, is recommended for both men and women aged nine to 26 and is effective for HPV6, 11, 16 and 18. Another, Cervarix®, is recommended for women aged ten and 25 years In its phase two clinical studies, Cervarix® had a 100% protection rate against HPV16 and 18.

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