Many people fear public speaking more than death or public nudity, but with practice and tips for managing anxiety, it can become easier. Speaking more in public, taking courses, and learning about the topic can all help improve public speaking skills.
In many unscientific surveys, fear of public speaking even surpasses fear of public nudity or fear of death. The thought of having to give a speech in front of others can fill many people with a sense of dread or anxiety. However, public speaking doesn’t have to be the scream-filled carnival of horrors we often imagine it will be. With a little practice and some tips for managing anxiety, you may find yourself eagerly awaiting your next after-dinner talk or project presentation.
One of the easiest ways to get better at public speaking is to speak more in public. This may seem redundant, but think about the number of opportunities you have to speak during an average week. How many of these opportunities have you turned down out of fear of public speaking?
Becoming a better public speaker is partly a case of muscle memory. Take more opportunities to make short speeches whenever possible and pay attention to how it feels to stand, talk, read a text and make eye contact. It doesn’t matter if it’s a scripture reading at church, a sales pitch, or a toast at a wedding. The trick is to gain more experience so that public speaking anxiety no longer controls you.
Look for continuing education courses designed to help you with public speaking. Sometimes companies sponsor employees to attend seminars on improving public speaking skills. Enrolling in a speech class at a local university can help you learn how to perform different types of speeches.
Look into local chapters of national public speaking organizations like Toastmasters. You could also learn from observation: Watch a professional speaker on television to see how they handle anxiety. A pastor or other public speaker may also be able to offer advice on the physical aspects of public speaking.
It is often helpful to learn as much as possible about the topic before giving a talk. If someone were to ask you about the influence of Memphis architecture on the Western world, chances are you would immediately feel inadequate and anxious. What if someone asks you how to brush your teeth? You would probably feel like the Oracle of Delphi, since you should know that procedure very well.
This is one of the best ways to improve your public speaking skills. Consider yourself the resident expert, gifted to enlighten an audience on a very important topic. If you maintain this mindset throughout your speech, you should find the inner confidence you seek.