Improve speed, agility, and quickness with exercises like running dashes, jumping rope, and yoga. Use cones to run sprints and obstacle courses, work with a partner to vary pace, and practice yoga for balance.
One way to be a better athlete is to improve your speed, agility, and quickness. You can do this by adding certain exercises and exercises to your workout. Running dashes of 50 or 100 yards (46 or 91 meters), jumping rope, and practicing yoga are several ways you can improve your speed, agility, and quickness.
Run between two cones to improve your speed, agility and quickness. Start small and space the cones 10 yards (9 meters) apart. Run from one cone to another, timing yourself. Go back to the first cone and run again. Continue until you can’t continue. As your speed improves, space the cones further apart, first 20 yards (18 meters), then 50 yards (46 meters). You can also vary the way you run. For example, if you play football, try to run backwards as if you were trying to catch a thrown ball.
Another way to improve speed, agility, and quickness is to work with a partner. Have your partner lead you as you both run. The partner determines the pace of the race and should vary his speed between running and jogging. It’s up to you to keep up. Following a leader will improve your reaction time, making you a stronger and faster athlete.
When you are agile, you can change position and avoid obstacles quickly. One way to improve your agility is to run through an obstacle course. Arrange several cones in a zigzag pattern and time yourself as you run through them. You can also place the cones in a straight line and slalom through them. If you play basketball, try to dribble the ball around the cones. Dribble the ball with your feet around the cones if you play soccer.
Good balance is key to speed, agility, and quickness. You can’t be fast if you can’t stay upright. Improve your balance by practicing yoga for at least an hour a week. Several poses are specifically designed to improve balance, such as the eagle pose. Stand on one foot and wrap the other leg over your knee and around your calf. Interlock your arms and hold them in front of your chest. Hold the pose for 10 seconds, then switch sides.
Try a plank pose to improve your balance on your arms. Lie on your right side, keeping your shoulders and hips square. Push up with your right arm so that your body is at a 45-degree angle to the ground. Hold for 10 seconds, then switch sides.