Internet security tips?

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This article discusses internet security for both adults and children, including tips such as using antivirus software and not providing personal information. Parents should supervise their children’s internet use and keep computers in a central location. Internet filters and blockers can also be helpful.

Internet security is a vast topic, covering many different areas of safety and security while surfing the net. It doesn’t just apply to web searches, it can also refer to the use of other related resources such as email. Much of the focus in this topic is on protecting children while they use the Internet, but there are plenty of tips for adults as well.

Adults can practice Internet safety tactics in a number of ways. These can be divided into tips.


Use the latest applicable antivirus software to protect yourself from viruses.

Install a firewall to protect computers from unauthorized access by others.

Disable cookies so that sites cannot collect personal information.

Back up important data regularly.

Consider locking down home computers or workstations to prevent others from accessing your personal information.

Ask internet service providers what security features they offer.


Provide personal information such as your name, address or telephone number when chatting with others.

Download unknown software, especially file sharing software.

Open suspicious or unknown emails.

Send emails to unknown sources, as this will likely lead to huge amounts of junk mail.

Release credit card information to unknown or unreliable sources.

Believe emails or sites that offer get-rich-quick schemes.
Internet safety for children has similar recommendations and often involves parental supervision. Parents are the best firewall for their kids because even with some online safety measures, kids get into trouble on a regular basis. Children need to know that, like adults, their number one safety measure is to never give out personal information, such as their name, address, general location, email or phone number.
There are other internet safety tips for kids:
Children should be told to stay on “safe” sites.

They shouldn’t visit unfamiliar sites without first getting parental approval.

Children should also agree to notify their parents immediately if they find an inappropriate website or if they encounter someone who makes them uncomfortable.
Parents can help children comply with Internet safety rules by keeping computers in one central location. Computers with Internet access don’t belong in bedrooms, where more adventurous children may access inappropriate sites.
Parents can also try the following to promote better Internet safety for children:
Keep an eye out for emails for children under 13 and make sure kids are expecting these searches.

Look for long distance calls, snail mail, or baby packages from unknown sources.

Disable cookies.

Read the privacy policy agreements on the sites children frequent.

Knowing how to use the Internet, so observing children’s behavior on the Internet is easier.

Locate kid-safe internet search sites that will block most objectionable material.

Install Internet filters or blockers to avoid accidental search returns to inappropriate sites.
Overall, the Internet can be a great place to find information, have fun, and play games. It is wise to observe some Internet security protocols. It helps keep both adults and children safe when they are online.

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