Investment career opportunities include stockbrokers, financial analysts, managers, personal finance advisors, and investment bankers. These jobs require a college degree and license. Stockbrokers help clients buy and sell shares, financial analysts advise clients on investment trends, financial managers manage a company’s finances, personal finance consultants help individuals make financial decisions, and investment bankers assist large companies with financial transactions.
Included in the different types of investment career opportunities that one can get involved in are stockbrokers, financial analysts and managers, personal finance advisors, and investment bankers. Other brokers such as real estate and insurance brokers also present investment opportunities to other companies and individuals. Most of these investment career opportunities require a college degree and license in order for an individual to begin work or participate in career advancement.
Stockbrokers work with individual clients to help them buy shares in companies or commodities in hopes of making a profit. At the appropriate time, brokers also help clients to sell existing shares. Individuals who participate in investment career opportunities such as this undergo specialized training pertaining to an investment career and, in particular, stock trading. In most cases, a stockbroker is required to have a bachelor’s degree to access investment jobs. Stockbrokers must also be licensed in the jurisdiction in which they work.
Financial analysts help clients make decisions about buying or selling stocks. Also known as investment analysts, financial analysts also monitor stock and investment performances in an effort to better advise their clients on investment trends that affect their portfolios or may do so in the future. People working in these investment career opportunities are usually employed by a financial institution or a private investment firm. An investment analyst can work with individual clients as well as companies.
A financial manager is hired to work at a company to manage its finances and assets. In this capacity, a financial manager prepares financial reports for a company’s shareholders and works to help a company create and achieve both short-term and long-term profit goals. Finance managers work closely with department managers and other key executives to ensure the overall financial health of a company.
Personal finance consultants become involved in investment career opportunities where they are able to help individuals make important financial decisions. While others working in similar career options are employed by a financial institution or investment firm, many personal finance consultants are self-employed. Those who do not participate in financial career opportunities in banks and private companies.
Other investment career opportunities include careers in high finance such as investment banking. In these careers, individuals assist large companies in investing large amounts of money, carrying out large financial transactions and very detailed business maneuvers such as corporate mergers and acquisitions. These investment career opportunities generally require a higher level of education and experience than other job opportunities in the financial sector.