Postal voting may not be reliable as many votes disappear during the election period due to delivery problems, errors, and inability to return ballots. 25% of all ballots are absentee, with the same number unaccounted for. Only 57% of voters who mailed in their ballots in 2008 were confident their votes were counted.
Those who want their votes to matter may want to rethink postal voting. While postal voting can be convenient and, for those living abroad or with disabilities, necessary; There is evidence that many of these votes disappear during the election period. According to one study, absentee ballots account for about 25% of all ballots, the number of unaccounted for and in-person absentee ballots are about the same. Reasons for wayward ballots include delivery problems, errors rendering ballots uncountable, and the inability of some voters to return ballots.
Read more about voting:
All voting is done by mail in Oregon and Washington state.
As of 2012, 36 states offer early voting or mail-in voting to the general electorate.
After the 2008 election, only 57% of voters who mailed in their ballots said they were “very confident” that their votes had been counted, compared with 74% of voters in person.