Drinking cold water does not cause cancer, but some doctors suggest room temperature or body temperature water is better than cold water for exercising. Drinking cold water can cause shivering, which can raise body temperature, so warm water is better for bringing down a fever. The best indicator of adequate fluid intake is the color of urine.
There is a persistent urban legend that if you drink cold water, especially after eating, you will get cancer. The theory, which has been widely circulated via email, suggests that cold water solidifies the fats you just consumed, quickly causing cancer-creating toxins in your body. Sites dedicated to proving or disproving urban legends, such as snopes.com, have defied this theory quite effectively. It is not unhealthy to drink cold water, although in some cases lukewarm or room temperature water may be a better choice.
One theory, on which medical researchers have differing opinions, concerns whether drinking cold water is as good for you as drinking warm water, particularly when you’re exercising. Some doctors suggest that room temperature or body temperature water is better than cold water, because the body has to expend energy to heat cold water to body temperature, resulting in water loss. On the other hand, some doctors say that after physical exertion, you should drink cold water as it will help cool down the body more effectively than room temperature water.
What is clear is that most people who drink cold water are likely to consume more, as it tends to taste better and is more satisfying. Even if drinking water right out of the refrigerator causes marginal water loss, the extra water you’re likely to drink will help compensate for that. There are some instances where you shouldn’t use cold water, but generally this doesn’t apply to drinking.
If you are trying to help bring down a fever or help someone with sunstroke (animal or person), you should not immerse that person or animal in cold water. Instead you should use warm water, or even slightly warm water. Cold water can cause shivering, which can actually raise your body temperature. While baths can be a helpful way to bring down a high fever, you especially want to keep anyone from shivering or getting cold. If people with a fever drink very cold water, they can also get cold, so lukewarm or tepid water may be a better choice.
There are a number of other urban legends associated with the amount of fluids and the type of fluids you consume. For example, people are told that coffee, tea and sodas deplete water from their bodies. In fact, people who habitually drink caffeinated beverages retain about two-thirds of what they drink, and this can be counted as part of their daily fluid intake. Another “myth” about water is that you need eight to eight glasses of water (24L) a day. While this amount of water won’t hurt you, your daily food intake usually provides about half the amount of fluid you need. Most people get by drinking about 32 ounces (about 1 liter) per day.
The best indicator that your body is getting enough water is the color of your urine. If your urine is dark yellow, it is likely that you are not drinking enough water. If you pass clear to very clear yellow urine, your fluid intake is adequate. Remember that the color of your urine in the morning will always be a little darker. Another indicator is thirst. When your body sends you “I’m thirsty” signals, drink something, but don’t worry about whether you should drink cold or lukewarm water.