Ital. Parsley?

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Italian parsley is a flat-leaf herb with a robust flavor, commonly used in Mediterranean cuisine. It is often confused with curly parsley, which has a milder taste. Italian parsley is used in soups, stews, and salads, and can be preserved by drying or soaking in oil. It is related to coriander, Chinese parsley, and Hamburg parsley, and was once shunned due to its resemblance to hemlock.

Italian parsley, known scientifically as P. neapolitanum, is an herb in the Apiaceae family that is commonly used to flavor or garnish food. It is similar in appearance to curly-leaf parsley, but has a stronger, more robust flavor and a flatter leaf. As the name suggests, Italian parsley is native to Italy and most of Mediterranean Europe, although it is grown with great success in many parts of the world.

Differences from curly parsley

Most grocery stores and markets offer both Italian parsley, flat leaf parsley, parsley and curly leaf parsley. Many people consider the curly varieties to be more standard, with the Italian versions playing a more gourmet or specialized role. This distinction is mainly due to differences in taste and sometimes price.

Curly parsley, which is often the less expensive of the two, has only a very subtle flavor. Sometimes cooking will make the taste more pronounced, but not always. It is typically used only as a side dish, as a means of livening up the look of a dish without affecting its taste.

Italian parsley, on the other hand, often has a robust peppery flavor. It has a much higher concentration of essential oils, which gives it a distinctive taste. Cooks often use flat leaf parsley as a side dish due to its vibrant green color, but they also use it to flavor a number of dishes.

Culinary uses

Flat-leaf parsley is a common addition to soups and stews and can also be cooked alongside poultry or meat. Parsley tends to release its oils more fully when exposed to heat.

It also has a taste that many find pleasant when eaten raw. Cooks often add the herb to pasta dishes, salads and even some sandwiches.

Conservation techniques

Once cut, Italian parsley will typically last three to five days. Cooks can often prolong the freshness of the herb by storing it in the refrigerator or by placing the stems upright in a glass of water. Leaves that have been soaked in oil often remain for a month or more, although the soaking will impact their flavor. Parsley preserved this way is often best used in pastas or as a side dish to maintain its texture.

Dried Italian parsley typically lasts much longer than fresh, but has reduced flavor. Most dried parsley purchased in commercial markets comes from curly leaves, unless otherwise noted. Cooks may dry the leaves of the Italian varieties themselves, often on racks or in a hot oven. Professional dehydration machines are also an option for those who do a lot of herb drying.

growing spikes

Many nurseries sell potted Italian parsley and it can also be grown successfully from seed. Like most herbs, it’s a bit delicate, particularly in the beginning. Success typically requires a regular temperature and plenty of water. Once the stems have reached a height of about 5 inches (about 13 cm), they can be transplanted outdoors, preferably on a level surface with constant sunlight.

Related plants and common confusion

Flat-leaf parsley is related to a range of herbs in addition to the standard curly parsley. Coriander, Chinese parsley and Hamburg parsley all have a number of attributes and can often be substituted for one another with some success.

Some food scholars believe Italian parsley was shunned by many cooks in earlier times due to its resemblance to hemlock, a deadly plant that grows wild across much of southern Europe. While the plants look alike, they are not related. Druggists and herbalists today rarely ever confuse the two, and the risk of inadvertent poisoning is no longer a concern with consumption.

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