Jury salaries vary by jurisdiction and may be the only source of income for some jurors. Employers may or may not be required to compensate employees during jury service, but are prohibited from firing or demoting them. Jurors may experience financial hardship due to low salaries and can request release from jury duty.
Jury salaries are payments made to those who serve on the jury. The amount of these wages paid depends on the jurisdiction in which the jury operates. In some places, employers are required to continue paying regular wages or salaries, at least temporarily, to their employees while they serve on the jury. In other places, employers are not required to compensate employees during jury service, although they are prohibited from firing or demoting them, so jury duty salaries may be the only source of income for some jurors during their term. service.
In countries that offer jury trial, jury members are often selected from the general public. These individuals typically have jobs and families, making jury service something of an interruption in their lives. Most governments regard jury duty as an essential duty of any citizen, thus requiring private individuals to periodically serve on juries. Jury salaries are therefore intended to compensate jurors for the time and expense of being in court. As a general rule, however, these wages are not particularly high and may not fully compensate the juror for what he may have earned in his regular job.
The amount of jury salaries varies by jurisdiction. In some cases, employers voluntarily choose to supplement jurors’ wages by continuing to pay jurors what they would normally earn if they were still on the job, minus the jurors’ wages. Federal employees in the United States who serve on federal juries continue to receive their regular salary or wages during their jury service in lieu of the jury’s salary. Some locations, such as Connecticut and New York in the United States, require private employers to continue paying full salary or wages to full-time employees for a limited period of time while the current employee is serving. jury.
While the laws in many places prohibit employers from firing or taking any other adverse action against an employee because of jury duty, these laws may not require the employer to continue paying the employee. Because juror salaries are often relatively low compared to what many people can expect to earn while working, financial hardship can be a problem. If this is a problem for a specific juror, he or she may be able to request release from jury duty, either from court personnel calling prospective jurors or from a judge.