Keys to trench security?

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Proper construction techniques and continuous soil monitoring are key to trench safety. Shoring and sloping are approved methods of construction, with soil conditions assessed and classified. Terrain determines the degree of slope required, with shoring necessary in very poor soil conditions.

There are two keys to trench safety: proper construction techniques and continuous monitoring of soil conditions. A trench is an opening in the ground that is deeper than it is wide. Trenches are used for many reasons, ranging from installing underground pipes to environmental studies.
Soil mechanics and the laws of physics state that all trenches will eventually collapse. It’s simply a matter of when and if there are people at risk. The safety of the trenches lies in the careful preparation of the site results and soil conditions. Planning ahead and using modern technology increases safety in the trenches.

There are two approved methods of trench construction: shoring and sloping. Shoring is the process of installing wood or metal panels against soil walls within the trench and securing them in place with bars and vices. The installation of the shoring panels must be done correctly, as they must maintain sufficient strength to hold the soil during the work. Proper shoring prevents soil from falling into the trench.

A sloping trench has a larger angle at the top of the trench than at the bottom of the trench. This method is used to reduce the risk of trench collapse by removing excess material from the trench mouth. The shape of the sloping trench is an inverted triangle, with a wider opening at the top of the trench than at the base.

Soil conditions are assessed using standard criteria and one of four possible levels of classification is assigned. Soil types range from very poor to fairly good. Determining the soil type and planning the trench construction operation is the responsibility of the site engineer. Occupational health and safety regulations state that it is the responsibility of a professional engineer to ensure that the trench is properly designed and that a safety mechanism is in place to protect workers in the event of an excavation. Workers can take steps to educate themselves about trench safety and refuse unsafe work.

The type of terrain determines the degree of slope required. In very poor soil conditions, the trench must be shored up to ensure trench safety. Under poor soil conditions, the walls should slope at a ratio of three feet (0.9 meters) back from the sides for every foot (0.3 meters) of distance from the trench bottom. In both good and fairly good ground conditions, the required bank angle is 45 degrees. This results in a sloping wall with a ratio of one foot (0.3m) back from the sides for every foot (0.3m) to the bottom of the trench.

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