A kidney abscess is a rare but potentially fatal condition caused by a bacterial infection. Symptoms include fever, abdominal pain, and weight loss. Treatment options include antibiotics, surgery, and catheterization. Prompt treatment of bacterial infections is important to prevent kidney abscesses.
A kidney or kidney abscess is a pus-filled hole in a kidney that forms when the tissues in that kidney begin to break down due to a bacterial infection. It is a rare disease, but if left untreated it can be fatal. If an abscess occurs in the kidney, it is typically the result of a serious kidney infection or an untreated urinary tract infection.
Some people are more prone to kidney abscesses than others. For example, people afflicted with kidney stones are often susceptible to the condition. Also, people with inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract infections can suffer from the disease if they are not treated promptly. Individuals with abscesses in the skin due to intravenous medication overuse or other health problems may also be at risk for abscesses.
Symptoms of a kidney abscess can vary from person to person. Typically, the affected individual experiences fever, abdominal pain, chills, and weight loss. Many people experience pain when they urinate, and occasionally the urine may contain blood. Because symptoms are often similar to other conditions, it can be difficult for doctors to diagnose a kidney abscess.
A series of laboratory tests and x-rays are very helpful in determining whether a kidney abscess is present. For example, many affected individuals have an increased number of white blood cells. Additionally, the bacteria may be present in the person’s urine or blood, and an X-ray can allow doctors to know the extent of the infection. Many medical providers can use ultrasound technology or computed tomography (CT) to identify a kidney abscess as well.
There are options for treating a kidney abscess. For example, the affected individual may be given antibiotics intravenously or via drip. If the abscess needs to be drained of pus, the individual may need to have surgery. Some doctors may also use a catheter to drain the abscess.
After the abscess has been treated, most doctors will work to treat the cause of the abscess. For example, if a person has kidney stones, the stones will be removed; if a person has a urinary tract infection, they will be treated with antibiotics. To prevent a kidney abscess, it’s important to treat all bacterial infections promptly. Any persistent pain, discomfort, or body abnormality should be discussed with a doctor as soon as possible.