Land for crops worldwide?

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Around 11% of land is used for crops and 27% for livestock. 38% of the world’s land is agricultural, including arable land, fruit-growing and grazing. Irrigated land is more productive and represents 16% of cultivated land, producing 40% of the world’s food. The US has the most cultivated land, while Tuvalu has the highest percentage of cultivated land. 24 territories have no cultivated land.

About 11% of the land area is used to grow crops and about 27% is used to maintain livestock and other food sources. The land that is used to grow crops is known as arable land, which is different from farmland. About 38% of the land in the world is agricultural land, which includes arable land, land used for growing fruit, and land used for grazing livestock.

Learn more about growing crops:

Irrigated land is more than twice as productive as non-irrigated land and, in some cases, can increase yields by 400%. About 16% of the world’s cultivated land is irrigated, which represents about 2% of the world’s land area. These irrigated farmlands produce about 40% of the world’s food.
The United States has the most cultivated land in the world, with over 650,000 square miles (about 1,700,000 square km) of land worked for food production, or about 18% of the country’s total land area. The country with the highest percentage of land under cultivation is Tuvalu, where nearly 67 percent of the land is used for cultivation.
Twenty-four territories in the world have no cultivated land, including Monaco, Macau, Greenland, Gibraltar and Christmas Island.

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