The top US exports are aircraft, spacecraft, and parts, worth over $70 billion annually. The US has a trade deficit with Canada, Mexico, and China, and imports crude oil worth nearly $200 billion. The US also has a strong service export market.
In terms of value, exported goods no. 1 of the United States are aircraft, spacecraft and parts thereof, with the United States exporting over $70 billion US Dollars (USD) worth annually, about 5% of the country’s total export market. The next categories in terms of value are refined oils and lubricants, pharmaceuticals and soybeans.
Learn more about trading in the United States:
The main trading partners of the United States are Canada, Mexico and China, in order. The US has a trade deficit with each of these countries.
The largest U.S. import by value is crude oil, which accounts for nearly $200 billion annually.
In addition to goods, the United States has a healthy export market for services, accounting for about 25% of the export market. This includes things like insurance policies, royalties and licensing fees.